Irish Citizenship

Irish Citizenship - Trace the Records


:: Do you qualify for Irish Citizenship and an Irish Passport?

:: Our Irish Citizenship and Irish Passport search and find service will help you get all Irish documents required to apply for citizenship/passport. This will mean you can then live and work in any of the EU Member States. Irish law allows dual citizenship, so does UK, US, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African law.

:: If you're the child or grandchild of an Irish citizen then you're entitled to become an Irish citizen yourself.   So, why not claim your Irish ancestry.

:: We can assist you in tracing the legal documents necessary for Irish Citizenship and an Irish Passport Application. Irish law allows you to hold Dual Citizenship so you don't have to relinquish your own citizenship.

:: As an Irish citizen you'll automatically become a citizen of the European Union (EU).      Countries in which you can live, work, study or retire if you're an Irish citizen are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg. Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


:: For non European companies and institutions conducting business within the European Union (EU), it's a significant benefit when individual managers or employees with a valid EU passport can work and travel freely without additional work visas.

:: If parents or grandparents were Irish, then there is an entitlement to Irish and therefore EU citizenship. 

:: Ancestrace offers a service to businesses for individuals who need to obtain legal documents for Irish naturalization purposes.

:: Where the records exist Ancestrace will have them dispatched within 5 working days. Our fast tracked service costs €285. Why not Order our Service.

Free Assessment

:: If you're not sure whether you qualify for Irish Citizenship by descent, let an Irish genealogist assess your claim and discover whether the correct records are available. We're here when you need us and so are the Irish National Archives which is amongst our favourite places for search and find.

When in Ireland

Ireland Tours

3 Day Tour in Ireland.
Ireland Tour.
4 Day Tour in Ireland.

Researching in Ireland

National Archives

National Library

General Register Office

Land Valuation Office

Dublin City Library

General Register Office Belfast

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

Representative Church Body Library