Order Your Irish Genealogy and Family History Research

:: Order Your Family History Research.
:: We're ideally situated to conduct Family History Research in the major facilities and repositories across the island of Ireland. We're your Genealogy feet on the ground in Ireland.
:: Ancestrace offer family history search credits that can be purchased safely and securely online in units of €50.00 for each hour of research. You can order as many units of research as you wish by clicking on the Paypal secure Add to Cart icon below.
:: Since good family history research is based on original records, even with the tremendous growth of digitised documents found on the internet, the cost of travelling to Ireland where the records were generated can be prohibitive.
:: Ancestrace can come to your assistance as we have an expert knowledge of local sources and where and how to find them.
:: Ancestrace is more than just a record searcher; we're a problem solver. We focus on the how and not just the where.
:: We organise our client's work electronically with the aid of sophisticated genealogical software so that every detail is entered and presented in a professional report.
:: We're ideally situated to conduct research in the major facilities and repositories across the island of Ireland. We're your feet on the ground in Ireland.
Genealogy Products

:: Browse Genealogy Products of interest and assistance in Researching your Family History.